
TESCO - Successful Business Project


Digital technology has contributed a lot in changing the every aspects of business. Digitalisation has brought the major improvement in human resource practices. Digital technology has provided human resource management in reducing the administrative tasks. Now due to reduction in the work pressure , the manager in an organisation has able to concentrate on the major business issues. Digital technology has helped in making the procedure easier as well as simpler. Digitalisation has allowed organisation top connect with Job seekers. Text and messaging application has made easier for the human resource manager to keep in touch text and messaging apps organisation.

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P1 Aims and objectives of project

Aim of investigation– To analyse the impact of digital technology on human resource practices in Tesco.

Objective of Research -

  • To develop the knowledge about digitalisation and its impact on Human resource practices.
  • To identify the ways for improving the human resource management practices.
  • To analyse the way digitalisation has transformed the human resource practices.
  • To develop the understanding about the way technology affects human resource practices.
  • To analyse the implication of technology in Human resource department.
  • To hire talented and skilled workforce
  • To suggest the digital strategies which can be utilised by the human resource manager for recruiting employees.

P2 Project development Plan

Project management plan covers the various aspect of research. It highlights the resources which will be required for executing the investigation procedure. Project management plan also covers the detail about the cost which will require to be incurred in order to conduct research activity.

Cost :This is the significant part of the investigation procedure. There are some fixed as well as variable cost which might occur when facilitating the research activities. The major expenses are to be incurred in the making arrangement for collection of information (Crawford, and Nahmias, 2010). Example of cost are money is required for purchasing stationery, travelling as well as communication cost etc.

Communication : It is very important for researcher to have effective communication skills. As scholar have to interact with number of people in order to accumulate facts or information relevant to the topic of investigation.

Risk : There are the high risk of occurrence of ethical issues and false information by participants. It is required by researcher to formulate suitable strategies in order to reduce the chances of risks (Achtenhagen,Melin and Naldi, 2013). Other types of risk isplagiarism which might give rise to legal issue. There might be chances of plagiarism as some information has been gathered utilising the secondary source. This specific risk can be eliminated or controlled by taking the appropriate measures,

Resources : These are very essential in order to execute investigation process in systematic manner (Eckerson,2010). Different types of resources required for facilitating research activity are finance, technology, stationery , human resources , communication device etc.

Quality :It is very much essential for scholar to develop their concentration on maintaining the quality of work during the investigation. Quality is to be considered when gathering the facts or information.

Scope : As due to time limitation , scholar will be execution the research on small scale , there will be only few activities will be carried out by researcher (Wartella and 2013). Some operations which will be executed are data collection,analysis, interpretation, presentation and printing of information. Thus , present study has limited scope.


P3 Research methodologies

There are different investigation methods , investigation philosophies , techniques and approaches has been utilised by scholar for executing the research activity in systematic manner.

Research Philosophy- In present investigation , investigator has made the choice of techniques for collecting the data or information based on the Research philosophies. There are many research philosophies among which interventionismand positivism are generally utilised by the researcher (Gharajedaghi, 2011). In present study, scholar have utilised positivism research philosophy. The positivism investigation philosophy has been selected for making the appropriate decision.

Research Design- It is very much important for investigator to select the appropriate investigation design, as this factor have direct impact on the quality of work. Few research designs are exploratory, explanatory, descriptive and experimental. In present study , investigator have utilised the experimental design for analysing the impact of digital technology on human resource practices (Hermsen and, 2016.). The experimental research design has been selected by researcher as it will help scholar in developing the understanding about the cause and effect relationship.

Method for accumulation of information – In present study, researcher will use both primary as well as secondary source for accumulating facts or information relevant to the research topic (Selwyn, 2014). In addition to this, questionnaire and personal interview technique has been utilised for gathering data.

Research approach – There are mainly three types of research approaches these are qualitative , quantitative and mixed investigation approach (Goksoy, Ozsoy and Vayvay, 2012). In present study , considering the nature of problem , scholar have used the mixed approach .

Sampling – In present research , investigator has utilised the random sampling technique for selected the few respondent from the large population. Twenty respondents have been selected randomly (Zumitzavan and Michie, 2015). The objective of selecting random sampling technique is to avoid the chances of error as well as biasses.

Data analysis- In current investigation process, qualitative technique has been selected by scholar for analysing the information.


Qualitative Research Methods




Ques 1. In what field of human resource management , digital technology has bought transformation?

  • Recruitment practices
  • Communications
  • Security practices
  • None of the above

Ques 2. What are the benefits of employing digital technology in Human resource department ?

  • Efficiency and increased productivity.
  • Increase collaboration
  • Improve cost management
  • Increase in employee experience.

Ques 3. What effect does digital technology have on Human resource practices?

  • Positive
  • Negative
  • Both

Ques 4. How much satisfied you are with the result generated by using the digital technology within human resource department ?

  • Completely satisfied
  • Little satisfied
  • Not at all satisfied

Ques 5.Do You agree with the statement that technology plays crucial role in human resource field ?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Might be

Ques 6 . What type of digital technology can be implemented in human resource department?

  • Information system
  • Cloud computing
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Big data analytics

Ques 7. Presently For what purpose an organisation using technology in Human resource field ?

  • For increasing employee participation
  • Formal training workers
  • Internal career opportunities
  • Administrative procedure

Ques 8. What according to you the most effective human resource application ?

  • Administrative E- human resource management
  • Strategic application such as Talent acquisition services
  • Performance management
  • Compensation management

Ques 9. What are the issues faced by an organisation in context of human resource management ?

  • In managing the technology with regards to human resource.
  • In analysing the human factors
  • Increase in cost of labour
  • Maintaining the records of employees confidential

Ques 10. To suggest the digital strategies for increase the human resource practices in an org

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